Hello and I hope you find this blog post on the latest Iced Jems Cake Club Box full of ideas and inspiration! This months box is The Vintage Floral Box – full of flowers, lace and pretty patterns. As always the box is crammed full of goodies and amazing value with products never before seen!
If you haven’t signed up for the boxes, only a select few new subscriptions are released every month as we simply can’t keep up with demand! You can check them out on the website using the link below and pop your email address in so you get a notification when new subscriptions are released!
Iced Jems Monthly Cake Club Box
One of the reasons I wanted to create these boxes, was to give you an excuse to try new products you might not have tried before or been unsure on! We have so many customers coming into our shop saying they’ve not tried cake lace before or didn’t make it right, so in this box there is a packet of cake lace mix (just add water) and a gorgeous cake lace mat! Cake Lace is not as delicate as you think, once dry you can easily peel it from mats and even scrunch it in your hand without damaging it! If you’ve not tried it before then check out the handy tutorial below:

There are three different styles of lace mat, styles are sent out at random but they are all gorgeous! The perfect for width both cupcakes and round the side of cakes. Pour your cake lace powder into a bowl, then add 3og of cool water (just weigh the water)! Mix vigorously with a spoon until all the lumps are gone.

The mixture should end up very thick and looking like melted marshmallow! Once mixed, take a small amount and spread it over your cake lace mat. Use a spreader or palette knife to really push the mixture into the cavities of the mat, going back and forth several times filling in any gaps and scraping away any excess mixture on top of the mat. As you will see, a little goes a very long way with cake lace! There’s just 20g of lace mix in this pack but it easily fills about 7 of these mats!
The lace can either be dried or baked. To bake, follow the instructions on the packet in terms of temperature and time. To air dry, simply leave the lace mat out overnight until dry enough to peel away.

Once your lace is dry it will peel away easily from the mat and not be sticky. Gently peel out of the mat then line it up against your cake (or cupcake, cookie, cake pop, chocolate…). Use scissors to cut the lace to shape if you need to, then use a small amount of edible glue on the back of the lace, before attaching it to your medium. I made a simply domed cupcake topper using pink fondant, then placed my glued lace on top of it, smoothing around the dome. It really is that simple! You can also paint and dust your cake lace after it has dried for wonderful bright colours or metallic effects.

This box contains TWO fabulous floral stencils! These are brand new gorgeous designs and unlike our regular square style they are longer and would also look gorgeous going round the sides of big cakes or cascading down. Stencils are super easy to use and theres no need for a fancy airbrush or anything like that, I find the easiest way to use them is with edible dusts and blusher style brushes. Simply line your stencil up on your fondant (I press down slightly to secure or you can pin it in on the side of a cake), then gently apply dust using a large brush in dabbing motions. Once covered, gently blow away any excess dust before peeling away the stencil to reveal your amazing new pattern.

I made these pretty domed cupcake toppers using the lace mats and stencils but I’d love to see what you make with them! Share your creations on Social Media and use #IcedJemsCakeClub so we can see!

If you’re after a more simple cupcake or cake decoration, then the cute mini flags included in the box are perfect for simple cakes that need a bit of decoration. The pack of 6 flags includes 2 of each flag with the writing: pick me, delish and yum. Simply insert the food safe sticks into your creations.

As always we have created a brand new gorgeous sprinkle mix just to go in this lovely box! This Vintage Mix is full of gorgeous sprinkle rods, stars, nuggets and pearls! In the perfect colours to match the other goodies in your box!

The box also includes a pack of 12 cupcake wraps in a beautiful rose pattern, 6 pink and 6 blue! These are super easy to put together and can be wrapped around your plain cupcake cases to add a bit of colour and detail.

I’ve saved my favourite things in the box until last! This absolutely gorgeous teacup and teapot favour box set! The set with be in your box in either blue or pink! These boxes are so unique and cute, fill them with sweets, homemade chocolates, biscuits, macarons, even cupcakes! They would make an amazing gift for someone or even as a table centre at a party or afternoon tea, I can’t wait to see what you fill them with! There’s a little tutorial below on how to put the boxes together incase you are unsure too!
Voila! A gorgeous teacup and teapot set!
I hope you love this months box and this gives you some creative ideas!