These Mini Snowflake Pies are perfect for Christmas Canapes at parties! Not too sweet with just the right mixture of pastry and ganache, you can whip them up with ease.
[fancy_header]You will need (makes approx 15 Mini Pies):[/fancy_header]
- Chunky Snowflake Plunger Cutters (Set of 3 £3.75)
- Mini Muffin Pan
- Circular Cookie Cutter
- 250g Plain Flour
- 110g Butter (cubed)
- Pinch Salt
- 4-6 Tbsp Cold Water
- 284ml Double Cream
- Few Drops Vanilla Essence
- 75g Caster Sugar
- 300g Dark Chocolate
- 40g Butter
- Icing Sugar to sprinkle
Making the shortcrust pastry is very simple! Pour your flour and salt into a large bowl and add the cubed butter, then simply rub together with your fingertips until you get a breadcrumb consistency.
Now pour in the water (a little at a time as you may not need it all), and stir the crumbs until they stick together in a dough like ball. Wrap the ball in cling film and place in the fridge for approx 15 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 170 degrees and grease your mini muffin pan along with a flat baking tray.
Once the pastry has chilled, remove from the fridge and sprinkle flour lightly over a large flat surface. Roll the pastry out to approx 5mm thickness and cut out circles using a cookie / pastry cutter.
Press the circles into the cavities of your mini muffin pan, pressing firmly against the sides so it fits in perfectly. Trim off any excess pastry using a sharp knife.
Now cut out some pastry snowflakes for the top of the mini pies using the Chunky Snowflake Plunger Cutters, place them onto your flat baking tray ready to bake.
You will need to fill the pies with baking beans to stop the pastry from shrinking and losing its shape while cooking, simply press some greaseproof paper into the pastry case then fill with baking beans!
Cook for approx 10 mins, then remove the baking beans and greaseproof paper and return to the oven for a further 5 minutes to brown before removing and placing on a wire rack to cool.
For the pastry snowflakes, bake for approx 8 minutes or until they start to lightly brown, then remove and place on your wire cooling rack.
To make the chocolate ganache filling, pour your sugar, vanilla essence and cream into a glass bowl over a saucepan of boiling water and bring to the boil (stirring continuously).
Once bubbling, remove from the heat and add the butter and chocolate, stirring well until fully combined giving you a luxurious thick ganache.
Fill your pastry cases with the chocolate filling using a teaspoon, be careful not to overfill them or the chocolate will run over the edges! Finish the Mini Snowflake pies by placing a pastry snowflake on top of the chocolate and leave them to set in the fridge for approx 1 hour.
You can give them an extra Wintery effect by sprinkling icing sugar over the top like I did!