This week I’ve scoured the best of the web for the cutest simple ideas for you to bake this Easter!

Source: Xen’s Cupboard

Ok, it’s not a real cake – but what a cute idea for an effective cake. If you try this, please post your pictures to the Iced Jems Facebook Page!

Source: The ever wonderful Bakerella

Cake Pops can be a bit of a nightmare if you go for a complex design, but I love the simplicity of this one.

Photo Source: Zoey Cupcakes

If you have not tried this before I absolutely insist you go to the shop right now and buy some Cadbury Creme Eggs!! Just pop one into your cake batter and bake and the rest, is history….

Source: Purple Cupcakes

This beautiful idea for an Easter Cupcake Bouquet was created by Purple Cupcakes! Go check them out using the link above, they sell cupcakes as well as cake decorating supplies!

Source: Fi Fi’s Celebration Cakes

Put your giant cupcake tin to use with this great idea from Fi Fi’s Celebration Cakes! Check out the facebook group too using the link above 🙂

Source: The Happy Cupcake Company

Wow is all I can say. This is such a beautiful easter cake, I love the use of Gingham Ribbon and the grass icing! Check out The Happy Cupcake Company using the link above.

I hope you enjoy your baking over the Easter Weekend! I’ll be baking the Creme Egg Cupcakes (yum).

Jem x

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